EASTBNB東方食宿網 - 方怡婷 Lisa Fang 【體驗台灣(民宿)之美】
Author: EnrichLife 2016-04-26 04:17:23 Views: 628
由於影片長度的限制, 所以速度有一點點快. (我已經刪掉很多照片了. 而且剛學會製作影片, 有不好的地方請見諒~) 我把重點放在台灣的景點, 美食與民宿. 當然也介紹了自己的喜好以及為什麼台灣吸引我&值得好好走走看看的原因. 短片中的地方都是我去過的, 照片都是在台灣當地拍攝&使用自己的. 個人的僻好是, 每到了一間民宿或旅館就開始拍照, 對於美食也是如此 =P
台灣的民宿據有相當的特色 自然是不容許錯過~
希望我有這個機會探索更多更好的民宿與大家分享 :)
懇請大家多多支持 + 多多點閱這個影片. 感激不盡! !
Dear All: Due to the restriction on the length of the video, the slideshow of pictures goes by pretty fast. The focus of this video is on Taiwan's point of interest /beautiful scenery as well as the delicious food and fine B&Bs.
I've used my own pictures & been to all those places in the video =P I'm hoping to discover more awesome B&Bs to share with everyone + land myself a job for 6 months by entering this contest. So, if you like my video, please help me out by supporting me ! Just view this video as many times as you can until May 6. Mucho tks!!!
Title of Music: Heartwarming
Artist: Kevin MacLeod
Album: Bright Piano