貝澳龍舟競賽..Pui O Dragon Boat Competition. (3) 2010.06 16
Author: Mario Angelo Ho 2016-06-16 16:12:38 Views: 590
貝澳曾被發現有新石器時代的古物,表示可能在數千年前,已有新石器時代的古人在貝澳居住。在清朝世祖順治十八年(1661年),大嶼山居民因遷界令而必須內遷,復界後(1669年)才陸續返回居住。Pui O (Chinese: 貝澳, or 杯澳), formerly Lo Pui O (螺杯澳), is an area on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. It is a popular destination for holiday camping in Hong Kong. Visitors may also rent village houses for leisure. Located in the South Lantau, there are four main villages in Pui O, they are Lo Wai (老圍), San Wai (新圍), Lo Uk (羅屋), and Ham Tin (鹹田). Pui O is located at the edge of Lantau South Country Park.
貝澳主要分為四個村落,包括張姓老圍和鹹田村落,以及何姓的新村和羅屋村落。四個村落中,每個村落皆設有小型宗祠和社壇,並設有原始風水林。張姓老圍現在仍有一邊石砌矮圍牆,用來阻擋水浸時的洪水。貝澳村民以前主要以務農為生,次要為打漁。在河口,有一座建於清仁宗嘉慶四年(1799年)的天后宮,廟宇正向西南方,背山面海,並置有銅鐘一口。在天后宮附近有洪聖廟 (梅窩)的遺址。Pui O (Chinese: 貝澳, or 杯澳), formerly Lo Pui O (螺杯澳), is an area on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. It is a popular destination for holiday camping in Hong Kong. Visitors may also rent village houses for leisure. Located in the South Lantau, there are four main villages in Pui O, they are Lo Wai (老圍), San Wai (新圍), Lo Uk (羅屋), and Ham Tin (鹹田). Pui O is located at the edge of Lantau South Country Park.