Author: 設計小人 2016-12-08 04:39:56 Views: 637
你是否曾經覺得… 你全力奉獻..你的老闆卻裝傻 ? 你的功勞.. 全被馬屁精搶光 ? 你的同事..只會在你背後講壞話 !? 你已經快無法忍受在公司的每分每秒 !? 終於 ! 這次換我們復仇了 ! 設計小人在這裡 ! 設計小人讓你不再悲傷 ! 只要有設計小人 ! 你就不再是受害者 ! 設計小人讓你放下所有的鳥氣;還讓你開心 ! 設計小人幫你奴役你的同事及老闆;讓他們為你做所有事 ! 「設計小人」系列產品,讓你從生活每一個地方,無時無刻防治小人! 只要每天頻繁使用「設計小人」商品,保證能借力使力,化陰險於無形 ! 重新帶給你工作的熱情與衝勁 ! Have you ever felt like... Everyone knows you work hard except the boss? The brown noser in the office gets the promotion that you know you deserve? Dilbert is the only person who can truly sympathize with you? You can’t stand another minute in the office with your boss Your coworkers are talking behind your back? If so, now it’s time to get your revenge! That’s why we’re here! SB∞BS knows that sometimes work can make your life miserable! You deserve better! With SB∞BS you are no longer a victim! SB∞BS offers you the chance to let go of all your frustration and get even with your coworkers. SB∞BS will help you enslave your coworkers to do your bidding. They’ll be loyal, and devoted. They will work hard and never complain.Enslave them as often as you like! It will rekindle the magic and passion in your work!
地址:新北市 中和區(中和市)建康路158號4樓