
Author: 永明派出所 2016-01-09 10:22:58 Views: 721



After putting up with this for over a year, 4 or 5 complaints in Sept and Oct at the police station has meant that their patrols are a little more frequent, BUT not enough yet! More please.
Video that demonstrates this attached. Some offenders' number plates can be identified, most not. This video was passed on to the police twice and the second time I got this response from p64011@tcpd.gov.tw:

一、 有關您反映北投區石牌路計程車違規停車案,本分局於101年12月4、5日派員查察,舉發計程車違規3件,已責由轄區永明派出所及交通分隊加強該路段巡邏,並嚴加取締各項違規,以維交通安全與秩序。
二、 為爭取處理時效,倘有上述違規情形,請直接聯繫本分局勤務指揮中心(電話:2891-4521)或永明派出所(電話:2821-3110),將立即派員前往處理。
祝您 順心平安。
臺北市政府警察局北投分局分局長 李禎琨 敬啟.
Doesn't seem like anyone will be fined. This was early December and sadly the road being blocked has not improved since then. Most of the time there are no police to be seen either. Any ideas how to get further action? please do post or message me

[I don't know why there no easy way for members of the public to take a photo of an illegally parked car and text it/upload through an app so that the offender receives a fine and warning? (Bus drivers could do this every time a car is blocking the bus stop for example.)]




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