0160 crosstalk chinese funny language story 160 大禹治水 第3回 0001

Author: an chang 2016-05-09 19:06:05 Views: 625



What could be more fun than playing games?


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Now, it's well documented that one of the key ways to retain information is to learn it in a context that's enjoyable. The Rocket Chinese Premium Master Games are just the thing to get you learning Chinese words and phrases in a fun way.



Word-Master gets you understanding how the sounds made by Chinese speakers translate into letters and words on the page. That means you'll soon be able to take that information away and apply it to other Chinese words you hear and be able to write them too!


Phrase-Master goes a step further, by teaching you how the words fit together to formulate practical Chinese phrases. You'll quickly notice the patterns and conventions that apply when speaking and writing in Chinese, and be able to apply them to your regular Rocket Chinese learning.


Keep motivated and incentivized...


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My Badges is the Rocket Chinese Premium points system that empowers you to increase your learning status by completing key elements of the course. Just by using all the different features of the course you can move from being a Chinese Novice all the way through to a Guru and beyond... And each time you move up a level you get a new badge to display in your profile!


And for the competitive amongst you, keep an eye on the leaderboard to find out how you compare to other learners, of Chinese or across all the Rocket Languages.


"I just gotta say I really like the leaderboard. It's like the ultimate motivation tool for me because I have to find the balance between studying really hard and trying to accumulate points but I also have to make sure I'm not just rushing to get points". Remcy