
Author: 麗翔溫泉客棧(4星) 2016-12-20 12:37:30 Views: 593



今集《渣打呈獻︰星級生意經》,有星級老闆陳淑蘭分享開設日本爐端燒居酒屋的經歷。原來蘭子為了專心打理生意,決定淡出娛樂圈!至於以泰國餐館起家的馬氏兄弟馬天明及馬天聰先生,他們如何憑著堅持與努力,克服沙士的難關呢?渣打專家亦將講解銀行的融資服務,以及「中小企融資擔保計劃」(SFGS) 與「中小企業信貸保證計劃」(SGS)的分別。
詳情請瀏覽 www.sc.com/hk/sme

In this episode, celebrity boss Sheila Chan shares her experience of running a Japanese restaurant — a business which required so much of her attention that she decided to exit the entertainment world! While Ray Ma and Joe Ma, who started their business kingdom from a Thai restaurant, talk about how they survived the SARS crisis with persistence and dedication. Besides, our experts will introduce the Bank's financing services, and explain the difference between SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS) and SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS).
For details, please visit www.sc.com/hk/sme




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