
Author: 憂国の旅人アキーラさん世界見聞録 AKIRA Travel Channel 1 2016-04-04 01:35:08 Views: 670




餌は青イソメ,オキアミ 場所は 新居海釣公園 釣り方​は穴釣り、ブッコミ釣りが。他にルアーやウキも使用。
カサゴは岸壁下の岩場やテトラにたまりやすい。なので根​がかり覚悟で短竿(1.6メートルで穂先の短いもの 道​糸は3号)を使いブラクリで真下に落とす。


I went to Lake-Hamana and enjoyed fishing. When I was a child,I often went to Lake Hamana and enjoyed the fishing. It takes 20 to 30mins by car from my parent`s house.
When I was a university student,I lived in Tokyo and also entered the company in Tokyo. I often went back to my hometown(Student time=onece a month,4th a year=bussiness man).
I haven`t gone fishing for about 6years.
I got total many fishes.crabs and octopas.
This lake was fresh water lake before,but the big earthquache hit this area and big tsunami came into this lake and became saltwater-lake




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