Second View - Short Film (by Bubble Workshop / PUCSCE)

Author: BubblePUCSCE 2016-12-17 15:43:59 Views: 635



"Second View"
Open your mind & light your side!


"Second View" is an informal promotional film of the life in Providence University.
Director: Howard Wu (HAO-WEI WU)
Writer: Bambi Ko (WAN-TING KO)
Starring: Ted Chen (SHING-MING CHEN), Amy Huang (HUA-LIN HUANG)
Trailer Music: Jacob Johnson - Cello (from Music Cloud)
Short Film Music: HUI-SHUAN (YI-SHIN JEN)
Genre: Promotion | Drama | Inspiration
Released: 14 March 2013 (Taichung, Taiwan)



Since people left their home town, they have to face a whole-new environment where is surrounded by unfamiliar people and lots of streets without direction. In people's mind, we are too afraid to confront another world. The hearts are trembling and feel the panic..., but sometimes, people just need someone to help them. Give them a hand, share the brave and search for sunshine! Till the end, every one can open their minds and even light their sides. In addition, after calming down, people can see more beautiful places!


***BUBBLE Workshop***
The film is made by a group named "BUBBLE Workshop" which is a team composed of four students from the department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering. All the members are learning how to shooting a short film, and try to make a over-5-minute short film to describe the life in Providence University. The members want to use a story to bring out the attractive places in Providence University and Taichung.


Hope you enjoy our film!
from BUBBLE Workshop, Howard, Ted, Amy and Bambi
in Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan




Bubble Workshop由靜宜資傳系第八屆學生吳浩瑋、陳星名、黃樺琳、柯婉婷四位學生組成;從九月底至十二月初,歷時兩個月的時間,透過無數次的刪減與更改,終於誕生了這部短片,集結了四人的特色,盼能完美地呈現靜宜大學之美。



