【keroro】千本桜,台南原林百貨路口 (千本桜を踊ってみた)
Author: TainanKeroro 2016-08-05 17:29:23 Views: 722
「林百貨」興建於昭和 7 年(民國 21 年),座落位置「末廣町通」為台南重要之高級商業區,俗稱「銀座通」,其古蹟結構本體屬鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造,為日治象徵文明進步之高樓地標,俗稱「五層樓仔」,其現代化空間格局、先進之結構工法材料及電梯電器設備,為雲嘉南地區第一間具電梯之現代化百貨公司,與台北「菊元百貨」分居南北百貨鰲頭。
民國 87 年,台南市政府指定為市定古蹟,台南市立文化資產管理處為推動積極保存活化,於民國 95 年委託徐裕建築事務所進行保存維護及再利用設計監造,民國 102 年由常詠營造有限公司施工完竣。
《A Chronicle of Restoration of City Ranked Historical Building "Original Lin Department Store"》
"Lin Department Store" was built in the 7th Year of the Showa Era (1932) located in "Suehirocho Doori," the commercial headquarters of Tainan and often referred to as "Ginza Doori." The structure of this historical building uses steel frame and cement, the landmark of high floors that represents the advanced civilization of Japanese ruling over Taiwan. It is also nick named as "the Five-Floor Building." With modem spatial arrangement, advanced structural construction material, and elevator equipment, it is the first modem department store built with elevator in Yun-Chia-Nan area and is often compared to "Kikumoto Department Store" in Taipei.
In 1998, Tainan City Government ranked it as a historical building and in order to actively promote preservation and utilization, in 2006, Hsu Yu-Chian & Associates was entrusted for the design and construction of preservation project. In 2003, it is completed by Chang-Yang Construction.
「林百貨」は昭和7 (1932年)創立。「末広町通り」は台南市屈指の高級ビジネスエリアで
1998年台南市政府が指定文化財に認定。建物の保存と活性化を目的として、2006年徐裕建築事務所に保存修理と再利用に関する プランニングを委託。常詠營造有限公司が工事を請負い、2013年竣工した。