HD仁濟醫院董之英紀念中學-吸煙豬肺 Smoking pig lungs show what smoking REALLY does

Author: ryan au 2016-03-19 10:07:08 Views: 699



雖然活肺比死豬肺能呼吸,能新陳代謝, 但試問人一生又何止吸60枝煙呢?





仁濟醫院董之英紀念中學 訓輔委員會 理科組製作


--Ryan Au, a teacher in Hong Kong, made the video to show students how dangerous smoking is after becoming concerned by his students starting
--Shows two sets of lungs - one 'inhaling' clean air and the other 'smoking'
--After the 'smoking' lungs have had 60 cigarettes, the lungs are compared
--The 'smoking' ones are clearly discoloured and have turned yellow
The 'smoking' lungs also have a blocked and stained windpipe