2008/10/18姐姐與台大博物館 My Sister visited NTU Museum
Author: ilovetongren1 2016-02-27 15:47:25 Views: 621
2008/10/18姐姐與台大博物館 My Sister visited NTU Museum
2005年10月,李嗣涔校長責成圖書館項潔館長邀集各相關館室,就校內博物館資源之運用與整合方向進行規劃研議,歷經年餘的密集協商討論凝聚共識,於2007年2月於圖書館主導下提出《臺大博物館群合作發展計畫書》,建議於現有資源與條件下,先期以臺大博物館「群」的合作發展模式進行資源整合,希能獲得校方支持以改善各館室整體典藏、展示、推廣環境,並期在既有支援研究教學功能外,進而發揮社會服務與教育功能,以塑造臺大新社會形象。同年3月20日該計畫獲校長批准,各館陸續積極進行軟硬體改善工作;11月15日本校校慶當日,「臺大博物館群」(NTU Museums)由李校長正式宣布敲鑼啟動。
Chartered during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan, the National Taiwan University (NTU) has nearly 80 years of history with a rich academic legacy. Many unique and prestigious materials, specimens, and documents have been collected for teaching and research purposes since the establishment of the university in 1928. Collections include artifacts of the Taiwanese indigenous people and prehistory archeological sites, including samples of minerals/rocks/fossils, specimens of animals/plants/insects, and laboratory apparatuses and instruments. However, because of restricted budget and limited resources such as space and manpower, collections are only maintained by minimum preservation equipment, not for the purpose of further systematic exhibition and extension education. These precious collections have marked the great development of Taiwans higher education. If these collections are not properly stored, managed, or utilized, it would be a great loss for both the National Taiwan University and the whole Taiwanese society in the fields of natural, cultural, and academic legacy.
In October 2005, Si-Chen Lee, the president of National Taiwan University (NTU), assigned a task force led by the University Librarian, Jieh Hsiang, to integrate individual university museums. The NTU Museums Cooperation and Development Plan was thus proposed in February 2007 to promote NTU Museums image, support research, carry out educational functions, and to provide tour guide services. This plan also aims to assist individual museums to seek financial support for the renewal and refurbishment of collections and the restoration of exhibition facilities. NTU hopes to fulfill its social and educational function and responsibility if the NTU museums, with its rich collections, are to be opened to the local community and the general public. On March 20, 2007, the president of NTU officially approved of this plan and allocated the funds. On the anniversary of the university this year (November 15, 2007), the NTU Museums were inaugurated and a special exhibition was held at the Chuan-Lyu Exhibition Hall in the Gallery of NTU History.