
Author: 艾儷絲庭園民宿 2016-05-17 22:48:46 Views: 598



Keukenhof flower garden is situated in Lisse, Netherlands. It has truly earned the name of "Garden of Europe". It is the world's largest tulip garden. Seven million tulips, daffodils and hyacinths fill over 32 hectares with colour and fragrance. Gorgeous creations from flower arrangers can be seen. You may know the latest trends in gardening and get new ideas from the inspirational gardens. For flower lovers and picture lovers, don't miss the chance to visit it.

庫肯霍夫花園位於阿姆斯特丹附近的小鎮-麗絲,庫肯霍夫在荷蘭文的原義 是「廚房花園」。它是世界上最大的鬱金香花園, 園內七百萬朵不同種類的鬱金香,還有水仙、百合和風信子等,萬紫千紅 ; 爭姸鬥麗 ; 各顯姿釆 ; 盡入眼簾 。 此外,加上園內悉心的規劃,發揮無窮創造力, 令人歎為觀止 ! 32 公頃的展區,花一天時間也看不完。愛賞花, 園藝愛好者和愛攝影的人 ,不容錯過 !

Music: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart)




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