第十屆台新藝術獎入圍專訪_國立中正文化中心【 鄭宗龍作品─在路上】

Author: MOCA Taipei 2016-04-30 14:29:58 Views: 762



The 10th Taishin Arts Award Exhibition
展期: 2012/04/28-2012/06/17


《在路上》是編舞家鄭宗龍用身體語言書寫個人生命旅程體驗之作,在演出節目單上,他引述了美國作家傑克‧凱魯亞克 (Jack Kerouac) 同名著作《在路上》的這段話:「每個人都是自己生命旅程的過客。不管你身在何處,進行著何種跋涉、執著於何種理想,在生命停息之前,你都走在無限風景的旅途中。面對現實、忠於理想,走在自己的人生道路上。






National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, R.O.C
"On the Road by Cheng, Tsung-Lung"

In On the Road, the choreographer Cheng, Tsung-Lung uses body language to write a work on the experiences of his own personal journey. On the performance program notes, he alluded to the words of Jack Kerouac's On the Road: "Everyone is a passing traveler on the road of his or her life. No matter where you are, no matter what kind of trek you are on, or what ideal you are trying to realize, before journey's end you are still on a road with a limitless horizon. To face reality and stay true to your ideals is to be on your life's road."

The entire dance work shows us a fantastic journey of moods and things heard and seen, through the interactions with long-distance traveling companions and reflections on the journey's motivations and goals, and also investigating the role and meaning of one's own life journey. In an ambience created by drums and various music including the sitar, through creating visual form with their limbs, rhythm, expression of strength, changing light and shadow, and an organic assemblage of time and space in music the three male dancers display a unique and pure kind of dance. The critic Wang, Mo-Lin praised it as being "full of the minimalist movement that comes from inner control of the body, it particularly captures the inner restraint that inheres in Asian farming culture."

"Nomination Reasons"
Commentator : Lin, Ya-Tin

On the Roadby Cheng, Tsung-Lung exemplified his mastery of spatial composition and musical structure. He developed a unique movement dynamic and aesthetics derived from his own cultural background, through inspirations from his travels to China with his two dancers/collaborators. The expanded trio version, with an excellent production team of costume, video, and other designers, plus the third dancer, added layers and variations to the superbly, enthralling performance. On the Road not only earned rave reviews from the harshest critics at home, but has even garnered top choreographic prizes in Europe. This partly humorous and partly serious work may remind us of Jack Kerouac's travelogue of the same title, but represents a unique vision of the artist of new generation from a different time and space.