Author: 新興里三角公園(文教用地) 2016-06-23 07:08:45 Views: 698
Copyrights of this video belong to the People's Republic of China, the province of Guangdong, the municipality of Yunfu, the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau.
Yunfu (云浮) is a prefecture-level city in western Guangdong province, People's Republic of China. It borders Zhaoqing to the north, Foshan to the east, Jiangmen to the southwest, Yangjiang to the south, Maoming to the southwest, and the autonomous region of Guangxi to the west.
The prefecture-level city of Yunfu administers 5 county-level divisions, including 1 district, 1 county-level city and 3 counties.
* Yuncheng District (云城区)
* Luoding City (罗定市)
* Xinxing County (新兴县)
* Yunan County (郁南县)
* Yun'an County (云安县)
Scenic Spots:
Panlong Cave: Located in the Shizishan Mountain, north part of the Yunfu City, the Panlong Cave is one of the few karst caves that having stone flowers. Stone flower is listed among the ten wonders in karst caves, and the Panlong Cave ranks as one of the top three karst caves that have the most grand stone flower landscape. The cave has three layers. Mammal fossils are also discovered in it.
Longshan Thermal Spring: This province-level holiday resort is situated in the Longshan Mountain, Xinxing County. It is 120 minutes drive from Guangzhou. Apart from the hot spring with curative power, the Guoen Temple, former residence of the sixth Patriarch of the Zen Hui Neng, is also an attraction worthwhile visiting.
中文名称: 云浮
外文名称: YunFU,Hsuchow
行政区类别: 地级市
所属地区: 广东省
下辖地区: 辖罗定市、云城区等
政府驻地: 云城区云城街道
电话区号: 0766(+86)
邮政区码: 527300
地理位置: 广东省中西部,西江南岸
面积: 7779平方公里,市区762平方公里
人口: 2009年常住272.5万,市辖区28万
方言: 广州话(广东话中的广州方言)
气候条件: 亚热带
著名景点: 罗定龙湾生态旅游区等
机场: 罗定机场
车牌代码: 粤W
北京时间: UTC+8
云浮,又被称为广东大西关,是连接广东珠三角和大西南的枢纽,系著名历史文化、旅游风景名城,全国有名的"石材王国",素有"硫都"和"石都"之称,有"沙糖桔之乡"的称誉。 "城中有山,山中有水,绿树花香,山水相映"是云浮的特色。
张公庙 :位于镇区,距县城65公里。张公庙是云浮市保存较完整的明代古建筑,祭祀明代万历年间广东总兵张元勋。
1. 萝卜牛腩:萝卜牛腩是云浮有名的传统小吃,以白萝卜、新鲜牛腩,配以佐料长时间炖制而成。在一些繁华的路段,萝卜牛腩的清香飘满街。在街上,你会常见到端着碗吃着萝卜牛腩逛街的人,特别是少男少女们。
2. 云吞面:是云浮人对馄饨的俗称,在市区或小镇都很多这种卖云吞面的小吃店。由于此品汤味浓郁,云吞皮薄馅多,蛋面有弹牙之感,因而成为云浮人早餐、小点的美食。
3. 肠粉:云浮的一种特色小吃,是云浮人爱吃的小食,也是大小茶楼、酒家早茶夜市的必备之品。因形似猪肠,云浮人也称之为猪肠粉。据说,在抗日战争时期由泮塘荷仙馆创制,现小食店、茶楼、酒家、宾馆均有供应。