順記陶藝工坊張自立手拉坯 製造過程
Author: 張自立 2016-12-16 11:12:40 Views: 651
作品特性在於擅長玩材質變造效果;讓一成不變的陶土有了像是金屬或是青銅 藤編等等的新生命;多次獲得媒體青睞封為陶土新生命達人。並在2000年勞工金輪獎陶藝組藝文競賽獎項中成績優異,參加陶藝競賽都也大獲業界好評,贏得殊榮。近年開始致力於研發窯變色土,並創作出古色古香窯變手拉茶壺,其獨到創作風格「窯變壺」俗稱還原燒 不僅形成業界的風靡潮流,更造成手拉坯陶壺愛好者爭相收藏。
2011/07 獎項 2011台灣鶯歌博物館陶瓷新品評鑑展入選
2010/02 掌心壺新型專利申取得台灣經濟部智慧財產權及中國大陸
2010/11 獎項 榮獲第31屆台塑運動會文藝手工類第一名
2010/09 獎項 2010台灣鶯歌博物館年陶瓷新品展入選
2000/04 獎項 89年勞工金輪獎項陶藝組藝文獎項
In recent years attention in his work has turned to development of the "kiln burns". A process he developed involving coloured soil when burning it into brick.
Chang uses a technique called "Reduction-Burns" to create his uniquely crafted antique Chinese teapots.
His creations have not only become a fashionable addition to the world of ceramic arts, but have also become a popular collector's item, garnering him a large fan base/following.
Awards/Accolades for Chang-Tsu-Li:
August,2011: Yingge Ceramics Museum Award
February,2011: Formosa Plastic Groups (game)
November,2010 Awarded intellectual property rights (for ceramic
pot) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs
September,2010: Yingge Ceramics Museum Award
April, 2004: Labourer Golden-Wheel Award