
Author: MOCA Taipei 2016-05-11 13:01:14 Views: 636



展覽名稱 | 第十一屆台新藝術獎入圍特展
Exhibition | The 11th Taishin Arts Award Exhibition
展覽時間 Date | 2013/04/27-06/23
展覽地點 Venue | 台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei


Curated by CHEN Chin-Pao | Circumgyration: A Quartet



陳敬寶是專攻攝影的藝術工作者,畢業於美國紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)攝影系,現為淡水鄧公國小專任教師,並就讀國立臺北藝術大學美術創作研究所。1999年起多次在國內外舉行個展和參加聯展,他的作品從客觀的記錄攝影經過新紀實的人物肖像,一路轉型發展至目前強調以攝影為媒介與當代藝術對話的攝影計畫系列。陳敬寶歷年作品曾先後得到紐約視覺藝術學院、台北攝影節、台北美術獎、日本東川賞、亞洲文化協會等機構榮譽獎項。



Chin-Pao Chen is an artist who specializes in photography. He graduated from the Department of Photography at the School of Visual Arts in New York, and is now a teacher at Teng-Kung Elementary School in Tamsui while attending the MFA graduate program at Taipei National University of the Arts. Since 1999, Chen has participated in several solo and group exhibitions domestically and overseas. His works have evolved from objective documentary photography, to Neo-Realist portraiture, to the present series of photographic projects that emphasize photography as a medium and dialogue with contemporary art. Over the years, he has received honors and awards from the School of Visual Arts in New York, Taipei Photo Festival, Taipei Arts Award, Higashikawa Prize in Japan, and Asian Cultural Council.

Nominated for the award, Circumgyration: A Quartet can only display four photographic projects; each contains three works, and other documents on forty related works due to the restrictions of the venue at 1839 Little Gallery. This solo show presents Chen's photographic projects that were realized in Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China after 2008. Initiated in 2001, Circumgyration: A Quartet abandoned the techniques of the snapshot and the documentary, which have been used in traditional photography. The project selected the campus of an elementary school as its setting and used large cameras incorporating natural and artificial light. He invited many school children to pose for this long-term project. At the first stage, Chen conducted the project for seven years at Teng-Kung Elementary School in Tamsui, where he taught. At the second stage, he conducted his posing project at Lao-Song Elementary School, in collaboration with its students and their parents. The artist first asked the students and their parents to narrate and describe the most memorable things in the past year or when they were fifth or sixth graders, paving the way to representing their pseudo-memories through photography. Then, he invited the students to re-enact the roles related to their or their parents' memories. The spatial design of this exhibition attempts to echo the meta-images of the memories of the adults and the children represented by the photographs by integrating school desks and chairs into the display of Chin-Pao Chen's works.