Linsen Park 林森公園

Author: Celesta1007 2016-03-25 19:06:49 Views: 564



本影片拍攝於2008年,旨在調查台北市的綠地,包括遊憩綠地、功能綠地、半自然綠地 、以及暫時綠地。調查成果將與「台北市綠地 使用者意見調查」進行整合,並於本人的博士論文「建城都市中的多功能的綠地規劃:整合 探討都市綠地系統的遊憩與生態功能」中分析 與探討。部分成果將公佈於網路上,以企協助提升政府與大眾對台北市都市綠地的品質的重 視,並且加以改善。 This a green space survey in Taipei City conducted in 2008. Green spaces, including recreational green spaces, functional green spaces, semi-natural green spaces, and temporary green spaces, are recorded and mapped on Google Map. The result together with a user survey will be used in a PhD thesis, namely planning a multifunctional green structure in a built up city: linking social and ecological function in urban green space systems". Part of the information will be open to the public so as to enhance public awareness of green space conditions in Taipei City.