Among the Sleep 睡夢之中 (1) 泰迪熊與我

Author: 阿津 2016-06-02 20:51:06 Views: 682





The story begins as a two-year-old toddler is having his birthday celebration at home with his mother (voiced by Cia Court). The celebration is interrupted, er, byt hidden from the player, but the story suggests it is the player's father, with whom the mother has separated. The conversation is muffled to the player and, partly, kept from the player as the mother raises her voice, refusing the father's request to see the player.The mother's angry tone frightens the player, and the player's fear is presented as a blurred vision. Quickly, the mother returns with a gift. It is suggested to be from the father, but the mother doesn't tell who the gift is from. Instead, she carries the child and the gift upstairs to the player's bedroom, a place of bright, warm colours and streaming sunlight. Before the present is opened, the telephone rings, and the mother leaves the player in the bedroom to play alone.